CD School House 9
CD School House 9.0 - Wayzata Technology (1994).iso
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129 lines
Town of ZZT Hints
by David Fernau (The Official ZZT Advisor)
Before we get into the serious stuff, let me tell you a little
story. I've been into computers for the last 10-15 years and have
seen my share of PD or Shareware games. Until I ran across ZZT on
Delphi, I had never been so taken with a game. Even KROZ, which is a
fine game, got boring after a while.
So what made me go nuts over ZZT? First, it is a very well-
written game. Second, Town of ZZT had me sitting up nights trying to
figure out the puzzles, where other games are more of a "shoot
everything that moves" type. Third, very few games allow you to
create your own puzzles; even fewer give you a chance to have your
creations published.
Anyway, I registered for ZZT almost immediately. On the comment
card that Tim sends out with the registered copy of the program, I
wrote him a note asking if he had ever thought of a complete hint file
for ZZT. The rest is history. By the way, Tim... Can I be listed as
"staff" now? [Sure thing, Dave. You are now the Official ZZT
Advisor. -TIM]
ZZT has a great save-game feature... Use it often. That way, if
you die or get stuck, you can go back to your last saved game instead
of starting over.
Try anything! In finishing Town of ZZT, I did some things that
I didn't expect to have to do. Sometimes the strange thing is the
right thing. The worst that can happen is death, and... You did
save your game, didn't you?
Save torches and ammo as much as possible... You never know when
you'll need them.
If you're really stuck, quit for a while. No sense getting more
and more frustrated. Two puzzles in Town (The Rube Board and The
Throne Room) took me almost a week to solve... A week EACH, that is!
Note: Not all rooms have identifiable names. I have made every
attempt to identify the rooms clearly.
Opening Room: Choose a path, any path. One way of dying is as
good as another.
Armory: Why bother the Vendor when the key to the stock
room is right here? There are even two ways to
get it.
Bank: The combination is hidden somewhere in the game.
A friend in a bad spot can help you find it.
Path to Castle: Better go around the back way to get the key.
Just don't get shot.
Outside Castle: Can't kill the troll, may as well bribe him.
Inside Castle: Grab those torches, the labyrinth is dark!
Labyrinth: Yellow gets Blue, Blue gets White, White gets
Purple. Too bad it isn't really that easy.
Room of Annoyance: There are two ways in; use them both. And don't
bump your nose too many times.
Dragon's Lair: Feel free to re-arrange the yellow bombs.
Throne Room: You'll need all 3 keys. You have to block a door
open to get the sceptre.
The Three Lakes: Put your running shoes on!
The Rube Board: MOST of the hints in the board are correct...
Which ones are wrong?
Bug Maze: Walk softly and carry a big can of bug spray.
Outside Prison: The guard will let you in, just ask! When you get
out, right first!
Inside Prison: Move quick... you only have a short time! Don't
forget the key! And convicts sometimes have
interesting stories to tell.
"Here It Is" Room: Better save first, this one is deadly. Try moving
the bombs.
Sliding Puzzle: Don't block off something you might need later.
You'll need to use the small passage on the right
side, too.
Think Fast: Better shoot fast, too!
Path by Cave: Nothing much exciting here.
The Forest: Use the Energizers wisely.
More Forest: Be glad there's a shortcut on the way out.
House of Blues: Sing the Blues Man a song. Watch the notes!
The Mixer: The surgeon general has determined that entering
The Mixer while the lions are alive is definitely
hazardous to your health.
Inside Palace: Go right first.
Last Room: (Dark room in the palace) Don't go rushing in...
Get the boulders out of the way first.
If you're really stuck, you can write to Tim or you can contact
me for better hints. I can be found on Odyssey as Whytetygr, on
Prodigy as HHSC43A, or you can write me at:
David Fernau
P.O. Box 18251
San Jose, CA 95158
ATTN: ZZT Hints!
[TIM'S NOTE: Thanks for the hint file, Dave.]